Terms and Conditions

Welcome to LARI PH!

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of LARI PH's Website, located at https://www.lariph.com.

By accessing this website, we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use LARI PH if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.

Subscriber understands and agrees that the subscription is customer assistance through the use of a mobile application called Life Application Response Initiative (L.A.R.I.). Assisting customer needs only through the use of a VOIP, landline phone or mobile services and not in any way an actual physical assistance. Subscribers are subject to the restrictions and conditions provided in these Terms & Conditions, and any additional agreements governing the Services.

L.A.R.I. shall only be used for its intended purposes, which is a customer assistance service, calling the proper authorities in cases of emergencies such as fire, police, and traffic related concerns.

The customer acknowledges that the “proper authorities” or “safety agency” may be any of the following people, persons or entities: fire department, police department, traffic bureau, barangay officials, and or anyone or any entities that “the company” may think or identify as necessary for any given situations or occasions.

The customer acknowledges that the definition of an “emergency” may rely entirely on “the company” and its representatives at any given time or situation.

The customer acknowledges that L.A.R.I. (The company) may not be held responsible for the lack of response, inaction, lack of cooperation or inappropriate actions done by any of the proper authorities or people contacted by L.A.R.I. (the company) and its representatives.

The customer understands and acknowledges that by pressing the L.A.R.I. icon before the location (latitude and longitude) on the device’s screen appear, will not send the location of the user to the L.A.R.I. call center. The location will now then be asked by call taker from the user during the call conducted by the call taker and the user.

Subscriber/Customer understands and allows Life Application Response Initiative SOFTWARE OPC, its employees, and duly authorized representatives to locate and track their location through the company’s L.A.R.I. mobile app.

Subscriber/Customer understands and allows Life Application Response Initiative SOFTWARE OPC, its employees, and duly authorized representatives to call and/or inform the proper authorities should a call between the L.A.R.I. call taker and subscriber/customer be dropped or suddenly cut off.

Customer acknowledges/accepts that L.A.R.I. customer service agents may not automatically know the cell phone number or location of subscriber.

Customer acknowledges/accepts that the call may not reach the correct cell phone if the subscriber registered an incorrect service number (cell phone).

Customer acknowledges/accepts that the call may not reach the subscriber or person to call in case of emergency’s registered service number (cell phone), if his/her line is busy or switched off.

The customer understands and acknowledges that the GPS may or may not properly work while the user is indoors or even outdoors.

The customer is allowing L.A.R.I. to track, monitor, and locate the customer’s location and whereabouts as part of L.A.R.I.'s services.

The customer acknowledges that all information obtained by L.A.R.I. (The Company and the mobile app.) is owned and will be considered a property of the company. Thus in no means to be disseminated to the customers in any forms unless otherwise be ordered so by a proper court.

The customer acknowledges, agrees, and understands that the L.A.R.I. customer service representative may or may not give a call back after the initial call has been made.

The customer acknowledges, agrees, and understands that the accuracy, dependability, and/or accessibility of the Global Positioning System (GPS) is highly dependent on the user’s location and mobile device used at any given time. The type of mobile service provider may or may not also affect the performance of the GPS in pinpointing the desired location of a user.

Customers acknowledge that only registered contact numbers (cell phones) and in case of emergency contact numbers (cell phones) will be responded to by L.A.R.I. Non-registered customers and customers in case of emergency contact numbers (cell phones) will not be responded to in any way.

Free ambulance is available only upon the discretion of the proper authorities

L.A.R.I. may not be used for “call blasts” or marketing campaigns and are provided only for dialog between two individuals at any given time.

L.A.R.I. the company will not be responsible for the reliability of the messages sent by the L.A.R.I. app due to the Internet Service Provider or network, cell phones and signal failure from the L.A.R.I. app.

L.A.R.I. will not be responsible for the reliability of the call made by the LA.R.I customer service representatives to the proper authorities due to Internet Service Provider (ISP) or network, cell phone, landline and signal failures from both the proper authorities, and L.A.R.I. the company.

The customer acknowledges the fact that not all proper authorities are available (24) twenty-four hours a day (7) days a week.

The customer acknowledges that L.A.R.I. may or may not be able to contact the proper authorities in any given time or day due to any unforeseen incident, events or circumstances beyond the company’s control.

It is the responsibility of the customer to make sure that the customer’s cell phone has sufficient “load” for texting or sufficient “data” to properly access the L.A.R.I. app.

The customer acknowledges and is aware that insufficient “load” or “data” may result to incomplete or not receiving of the alerts sent by the L.A.R.I. app from the customer to our company or contact center.

Signals and the Global Positioning System (GPS) dependability and accuracy are dependent on the location of the customer and their cell phones or devices.

GPS or the locator may require some time to be accessed and depends on the customer’s ISP and/or the type of cell phone used.

The customer acknowledges and is aware that “dead spots” and weak signals may affect the performance of the L.A.R.I. app due to the customer’s location.

L.A.R.I. may not be used by customers to “forward calls” or “call in customer’s behalf” by any customer requests, unless it is the registered in case of emergency contact person.

L.A.R.I. is to be used for emergencies only. An emergency is any type of fire (business, house, building), any life-threatening situation (fights, person with weapons, robberies, etc.) or to report crimes in progress and traffic related issues.

L.A.R.I. may not be used for non-emergency situations, such as tracking or locating, unless otherwise specified by the company.

L.A.R.I. may not be used for sudden onset disasters, which are all constituted to the natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods or any acts of God (force majeure).

L.A.R.I. may not be used to “test” your mobile phone or the system. This needlessly burdens the L.A.R.I. system with non-emergency calls and prevents call takers from answering true emergency calls.

L.A.R.I. may not be used to ask for directions, obtain information from the police, barangay or the fire department. These calls prevent call takers from answering emergency calls.

L.A.R.I. should not be used for “prank calls” or other childish behaviors.

If you press the L.A.R.I. icon in error, please explain to the call-taker that you pressed by mistake and that you do not have an emergency. If you hang up, a call-taker may or may not call back to confirm that there is no emergency.

When the call-taker calls back, briefly describe the type of incident you are reporting. For example, “I am reporting a house fire,” or “I am reporting a robbery”. Then stay on the line with the call-taker — do not hang up until the call-taker tells you to. In some cases, the call-taker will keep you on the line to ask additional questions or to obtain ongoing information.

Be prepared to describe your location and the location of the emergency. Although a L.A.R.I. system will display your telephone number and location, the call-taker must confirm the displayed address or may ask you for more specific location information about the situation.

The call taker may or may not verify the user by asking information contained on the customer subscription form or the online subscription form.

The customer acknowledges and accepts that the conversation between the call taker and the subscriber may or may not be recorded at any given time. Such recordings are a property of the company and may not be accessed by the subscriber unless ordered so by the proper courts.

Be prepared to describe the persons involved in any incident. This includes their race, sex, age, height and weight, color of hair, description of clothing, and presence of a hat, glasses or facial hair.

Follow any instructions the call-taker gives you, such as meeting the officers at the door, or flagging down the firefighters at the curb or outside your house or where the incident has happened.

Customer Obligations. (i) Customer will be solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws and/or other governmental requirements imposed or required by any local government or other applicable governmental authority; and (ii) The company L.A.R.I. will not be responsible if L.A.R.I. Service is unavailable due to loss of power; certain features may not be compatible with L.A.R.I. service; and the company L.A.R.I. reserves the right to refuse provisioning or modification of features or service if such provisioning or modification adversely affects L.A.R.I. service or the L.A.R.I. app.

These Terms and Conditions will apply for the duration that Customer uses the L.A.R.I. Services.

Text charges, including data charges, made when using the L.A.R.I. app and the L.A.R.I. “panic button” will be shouldered by the customer to their respective phone service provider.

(For Paid Subscriptions) Any unauthorized download of the mobile application (L.A.R.I.) to any unregistered cell Phone numbers by the subscriber, will result to either termination and/or suspension of the subscription(s) and/or the full payment of 1 year’s subscription on the end of the registered subscriber’s account.

(For Paid Subscriptions) Any unsettled subscriptions and/or expired subscriptions will be suspended/terminated immediately with or without any warnings from the company.

(For Paid Subscriptions) Resumption of settled or paid subscriptions may or may not take 24 to 48 hours upon payment.

Customer(s) acknowledges/accepts that it is his/her/their responsibility and priority to read through, know, and fully understand any and all third parties’ Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and other legal and necessary information connected to, in business with, or in cooperation with L.A.R.I.

Customer acknowledges/accepts that third parties connected to, in business with, or in cooperation with L.A.R.I. have their own customer support and services not connected to with L.A.R.I. and that customer(s) will directly deal with such third parties for any customer support or claims and other legalities concerning their products and services.

Customer acknowledges/accepts that L.A.R.I. reserves the right to refuse service to any unregistered cell phone numbers or contact numbers, and unregistered callers with L.A.R.I.



End of terms